Explore the mechanics of material representation through color, temperature, and abstraction. Learn to break down drapery into …
Course Access
Unlimited Duration
Total Video Time
22 hours, 31 minutes
Explore the mechanics of material representation through color, temperature, and abstraction. Learn to break down drapery into its anatomy: the 7 principle folds and the fold characteristics of certain fabrics. Analyze the texture and reflection of light on the weave of fabrics from velvety materials to cloth with sheen. Although taught traditionally, students may work digitally on their own.
BIO: Ron Lemen is an illustrator, fine artist, concept designer, art director and art instructor with years of experience. He has worked for Sony, Activision, Ubi Soft and Mattel. Ron is currently freelancing full-time with clients that include;Upper Deck, Dragon Lance, White Wolf, Time Warner, Wizards of the Coast, Image Comics, Birdhouse Projects, Ride Snowboards, Disney, and more.

Ron Lemen
About Instructor
Ron Lemen is an illustrator, fine artist, concept designer, art director and art instructor with years of experience. He has worked for Sony, Activision, Ubi Soft and Mattel. Ron is currently freelancing full-time with clients that include;Upper Deck, Dragon Lance, White Wolf, Time Warner, Wizards of the Coast, Image Comics, Birdhouse Projects, Ride Snowboards, Disney, and more.
Course Curriculum
- Painting From Life (Emphasis on Drapery & Folds) | Preview FREE 00:05:00
- Preview for Painting from Life with Ron Lemen.
- Painting from Life: Materials 00:10:00
- Welcome to Painting from Life (Emphasis on Drapery & Folds) with Ron Lemen. Ron presents his method of setting up an efficient palette, then introduces the materials and tools for the class.
- Painting from Life: Design 00:10:00
- Ron will discuss composition while painting a full figure demo in black and white. The figure will be blocked-in using simple shapes.
- Painting from Life: Notan 00:11:00
- The canvas will be filled with distinct flat values of dark and light shapes.
- Painting from Life: Shadow Patterns 00:11:00
- The established shadow patterns will be maintained as the painting is further developed.
- Painting from Life | Student Critique 00:07:00
- Paint-over demos of the in-class lesson will help students improve their work.
- Painting from Life | Gradation 00:20:00
- Contrast will be added within the figure with a focus on rolling form. The shapes will be defined without too much rendering.
- Diaper Fold FREE 00:21:00
- The first of 7 folds will be physically demonstrated before being painted. The colors will be mixed before painting. Each brush stroke is explained thoroughly.
- Pipe Fold 00:21:00
- The methods demonstrated this week will be discussed further. This will be a step-by-step walk through in finding the differences between light/dark values and warm/cool temperature.
- Zigzag Fold 00:54:00
- The challenges of color matching will be demonstrated once the drapery is blocked-in. The painting will be developed graphically, building dimension with simple shapes.
- Spiral Fold 00:25:00
- The spiral fold consists of twisting s-curve shapes. Turning form by controlling the shift in color temperature will demonstrated.
- Half-lock Fold 00:17:00
- The half-lock fold appears in clothing that is folded or compressed. This lesson will be done quickly focusing on soft & hard edges, and brush work.
- Inert Fold 00:37:00
- The reference image is not the same one used for this painting demonstration, and will serve as only an aid to match color and value. The inert fold is basically drapery thrown on the ground, and it is made up of mostly pipe folds and triangles.
- Drop Fold 00:44:00
- The drop fold is a combination of the pipe and inert fold. Clear distinctions between muddy dark values and half-tones will help develop volume.
- Drapery Exercise 00:37:00
- The previous lessons will be combined in an exercise of a standing model draped with material. The figure will be sketched, but the focus will be on finding the right value and developing form using shifts in color temperature.
- Painting from Life | Color Study FREE 00:15:00
- This week will begin with a small color study of the skin complexion and the drapery. Color will be mixed to find the local color of the skin and the drapery of the model. A color study is a tool for preparing color mixtures for a larger painting.
- Seated Man with Drapery 00:45:00
- The composition will be developed to help focus on the material. The local colors will be blocked-in quickly and thinly, developing an underpainting.
- Painting from Life | The Head 00:27:00
- A little time will be spent adjusting the flesh tones and head proportions. Plane changes will be indicated with color tiles.
- Painting from Life | The Drapery 00:30:00
- The form of the cloth will be controlled by shifting color temperature. A few of the details will be indicated to bring the demo to an end.
- Painting from Life | Mixing the Colors 00:23:00
- A model in a cowboy costume will will be the subject of today's lesson. Once the pose is sketched in, the colors will be mixed.
- Painting from Life | Filling the Canvas 00:44:00
- The colors will be blocked-in simply. The forms will be indicated using warm and cool colors.
- Painting from Life | Critique Part 1 00:05:00
- Ron will visit students and make adjustments to their paintings.
- Dimension in the Folds 00:24:00
- Attention will be given to the clothing, developing the forms carefully.
- Painting from Life | Critique Part 2 00:16:00
- A paint-over demo will be done on student work.
- Painting from Life | Adjusting Color 2 00:42:00
- The skin complexion will be developed further, using simple brush strokes indicating the features. Color temperature adjustments will be made throughout the canvas to give balance to the picture.
- Painting from Life | Composition 00:24:00
- A grid will be drawn onto the canvas using a formal division method to develop the composition. Colors will be mixed before the painting demo begins.
- Painting from Life | Simple Shapes 00:34:00
- The local colors will be blocked-in using simple shapes. Skin colors on the figure will be developed using warm and cool colors to add dimension to the figure.
- Painting from Life | Finishing the Painting 2 00:55:00
- The folds will be indicated with simple brush strokes. Various brush stroke techniques will be demonstrated to give life throughout the painting.
- Sketch and Block-in 00:29:00
- The composition will be developed during the sketching stage. Color notes will be placed throughout the canvas to help judge how colors relate.
- Painting from Life | Light and Form 00:44:00
- The skin tone and dress will be blocked-in creating transitions in tone, working with edges and balancing the picture with warm and cool colors. The folds of the dress and the forms on the arms and hands will be indicated with simple brush strokes.
- Painting from Life | Indicating Form 00:45:00
- The folds in the drapery and the head will be indicated with simple light and shadow shapes. The forms in the skin will be painted simply, using temperature shift to indicate form.
- Painting from Life | Final Adjustments 2 00:38:00
- Adjustments to the folds in the dress will be made to help give life to the picture. The background will be worked on to balance and add movement to the composition. Important things to focus on with a sketch are form, movement and gesture.